Hoopex Drops


Hoopex Drops is an asava-based phytopharmaceutical formulation recommended in whooping cough, and Bronchus infections, hoopex is useful for infants and children and gives relief in pertussis, whooping cough, paroxysmal cough, hoopex is effective even when vaccination has not been given .

SKU: 1645 Categories: ,

Indications: Pertusis. chronic cough. Whooping due to cough.

Pharmacological Actions:
Allium sativum has bactericidal activity against K. pneumonia.
Fagonia indica has analgesic and anti – inflammatory activities.
Adhatoda vasaca has bronchodilatory action and eases respiration.
Vasakasava stops Excessive coughing and vomiting.
No development of resistance by bacteria.


Hoopex drops made using: Kankasava, Drakshasava, Vasakasava, Kumaryasava, Alliumn sativum, Ach. Aspera, fagonia cretica etc


30, 110 ml


[Standard- 0.05ml/kg/8hour] Upto 1 year : 10 drops thrice a day. Upto 6 year ; 20 drops thrice a day. or as directed by the physician.


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