GD Balm


GD balm helps to alleviate muscular and skeletal sores and allow people to live a pain-free life. It has unique healing properties that offer instant relief and the effects last longer than over-the-counter pain relief medications.

Indications: Headache, Chest congestion and cold, Sprain, Back pain etc

Made of herbal ingredients that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, GD Balm helps in reducing pain, aches and sprains, splitting headaches, helps heal chest congestion and colds, relieves back pain, shoulder and neck aches, joint pain, and heals bruises.


GD Balm contains- Pudina ext. (Mentha sylvestres), Gandhpura oil (Gaultheria fragrantissima), Nilgiri oil (Eucalyptus globulus), Kapoor (Camphor), Ela oil (Elleteria cardamomum), Balm base q.s.


10 g


Apply on affected area two to three times a day.


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