Dibex Tablet


Dibex Tablet is an herbal formulation helpful for the management of diabetes and hyperglycemia. It helps to reduce the blood sugar level in type-2 Diabetes. Diabex Tablet is a Natural, safe and effective way to manage Diabetes.

SKU: 1854 Category:

Indications: Management of Blood sugar level, Symptoms of Diabetes Type-I & II, Hyperglycemia.

Pharmacological Actions:
Gymnema sylvestre increases Insulin by stimulating B-Cells of pancreas.
Pterocarpus marsupium reduces blood sugar level in type-2 Diabetes.
Aloe vera ext. has anti-diabetic effect.
Syzygium cumini induces insulin secretion.
Pongamia pinnata, Aegle marmelos, pterocarpus marsupium has anti hyperglycemic action in diabetes.


Dibex tablet contains: Gudmar [Gymnema sylvestre], Lodhra [Symplocos racemosa], Kutki [Picrorrhiza kurroa], Pugi phal [Areca catechu], Amalki [Emblica officinalis], Bogenbelia [B.glabra], Khadir [Acasia catechu], Asan [Pterocarpus marsupium], Punarnava [Boerhaavia diffusa], Mochras [Salmania malabarica], Bilva [Aegle marmelos], Sadabahar [C. roseus], Kattha [Acasia catechu der], Jamun [Syzygium cumini], Trivang Bhasma, Rasanjan [Berberis aristata ext.], Loh Bhasma [Iron Calx], Karanj Beej [Pngamia pinnata], Elwa [Alov vera ext.], Shilajeet [Asphaltum], Excipeints q.s.


60, 500 Tablets.


1-2 Tablets two to three times a day.


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