GD All Cream


GD All cream is the all purpose ayurvedic cream. It is recommended in skin cuts and burns, eczema, acne. GD All cream is used as an antiseptic cream which is safe and effective without causing skin toxicity.

SKU: 1647 Category:

Indications: Burnt Skin, Cut Skin, Eczema, Eruptive skin diseases, Acne, Pimple.

Pharmacological actions:
Azadirachta indica produces antiseptic action on skin and reduces pimples on face.
Cyamopsis psoralioides?s astringent action gives natural glow to skin.
Argimone mexicana has anti-inflammatory action which heals broken skin and is used externally for indolent ulcers and skin diseases.
Zinc oxide is useful in eczema and eruptive skin diseases.


Apply on affected area two to three times a day.


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